Very Informal Pistol Team


The 2024 V.I.P. pistol  league will begin shooting on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 7 PM on the outdoor pistol range at Walnut Creek.  The team this year is comprised of Tim Ines, Steve McInchak, Cliff Snyder, Mike Town, Dan Rogowski, John Bliley, and team captain Tom Zawistoski.

The course is comprised of two shoots: a rimfire course and a centerfire course.  Each course is fifteen rounds.  Five rounds in 2 minutes,  5 rounds is 20 seconds, and 5 rounds in 10 seconds.  You can fire one or both courses.  There is no fee.  You just have to show up.  You may use one hand or two hands.  Open sights or red dots.  We will shoot on Wednesday evenings in June, July, and August. There will a final shootout (most likely) at the Saegertown Gun Club in September to see which team gets to take home the rubber chicken trophy for the year.  Remember, I did say this was a very informal shoot.If you are interested you just have to show up and try your hand at a light competitive shoot.

If you are interested and need more information, call me, Tom Zawistoski, at 814-323-1762, or e- mail me at  Our membership is nearly 700 members, but we been having to make do with a measly five to seven team members for the past several years.

Tom Zawistoski    Team Captain   Walnut Creek V.I.P. Pistol Team