We are fast moving through this winter season.  As of December 31, 2018, we have completed the installation of a new heating system for the meeting rooms, kitchen, and 2nd floor office.  Still no heat on the indoor range, and still no winter pistol league.

The biggest news is that there will be no Membership Appreciation Night in March of this year.  The dwindling attendance over the past three or four years has brought the officers and directors to make this decision.  The gun raffle, always a part of Membership Night, has also been cancelled.  The Membership Night has become a money loser.  Dwindling gun ticket sales, as well as complaints of a lack of “quality” guns in the drawing, has caused us to rethink the whole operation.  The fact that we have anywhere from 750 to 850 members and an attendance of only 120 members at last year’s Membership Night seems to indicate a lack of interest in this event.  We are considering some other options at this time, perhaps another time or location, a different kind of raffle setup, etc.

Please take note of the fact that our meeting on March 14, 2019 at 7 PM is our regular monthly meeting, but is also the meeting at which we accept nominations for officers and directors for the coming year.  If you are interested in becoming an officer or director, you must come to this meeting and make your wishes known.  Just remember that your attendance at the regular monthly meetings will be an important consideration.  As a director, you will have input into what is going on, as well as input on financial decisions.  If you should be nominated, you must be at the April 11, 2019 meeting at 7 PM.   Besides being the regular monthly meeting, this is also when elections take place.

When using the outdoor pistol range, be sure to use the new safety lighting system, even if you are alone on the range.  This will (hopefully) get everyone on the same page about the safety lighting system.  Every renewal mailing went out with a copy of the safety light instruction.