by Tom Zawistoski | Jan 27, 2025 | Newsletter, Uncategorized
We are opening the indoor range on Wednesday evenings starting on February 5, 2025 from7 PM to 8 PM to start practicing for the upcoming season’s V.I.P. pistol shoot. There is a 2.00 range fee and targets are provided. The indoor practice sessions will run...
by Tom Zawistoski | Dec 12, 2024 | Newsletter
Our sight in days operation was very successful thanks to the following club members: On the range we had Tom Curry, Jim Mills, Tim Innes, John Swierczewski, Brian Darold, Jerry Wise, and Lenny Kabasinski. In the clubhouse we had Jim Hogg, John Bliley, Marge...
by Tom Zawistoski | May 22, 2023 | Newsletter
We have made a safety improvement on the outdoor pistol range. We have painted a yellow line on the pistol range behind the firing line. The purpose of the line is to keep people on the firing line from handling guns while other shooters are downrange changing...
by Tom Zawistoski | Mar 30, 2023 | Newsletter
Two important things to note: 1. If you have not renewed your membership, your electronic gate card will not work after midnight on March 31, 2023. You can renew by filling out a membership application and checking the “renew” box. Then send it and your...
by Tom Zawistoski | Feb 6, 2022 | Newsletter
Tuesday evening shooters may have noticed the three new carpet runners as they enter the clubhouse. Also, we now have a new flag installed out front. The last one was damaged during a December windstorm. Many thanks to directors Tim Innes and Brian Darold for coming...
by Tom Zawistoski | May 31, 2021 | Newsletter
Just a reminder to everyone that we will be doing our range maintenance this Saturday, June 5, 2021. It was recently rescheduled for June 12, but a tractor will be available to us on June 5. If you would like to help, come on out at 8 AM. All you need is a pair of...