Let’s take a look at what the Walnut Creek Rifle Club has to offer.
First, below, we have the outdoor rifle range with targets at 50 yards and 100 yards. The rifle range is sheltered and concrete bench rests are provided for the shooters. The rifle range is open under the supervision of a range officer. The hours for the rifle range are posted on the Calendar Of Events page. There is no .50 cal BMG allowed. When the rifle range is open we provide spotting scopes, bench rest devices, bean bags, and targets. Muzzle loaders are welcome on the rifle range.

Next we have a pistol range with target stations at 21 feet, 45 feet, and 75 feet. The firing line is sheltered and the walkways to the targets are all paved. The firing line is concrete. The pistol range is open all year around from 8 AM until dusk. No .50 cal BMG allowed. Rifles may be used on the pistol range. Muzzle loaders are also welcome on the pistol range. A concrete bench rest is provided on the 25 yard part of the pistol range.
Finally, we have an archery range with targets set up at four different distances. The archery range is open from 8 AM until dusk.